Friday, May 27, 2011

Have any of you ever struggle with low self esteem because of skin colour?

Wow, it has been a while an am so exhausted well I mean actually sitting down to post something. I been doing everything on the go. I wanted to share some great things I came across this week about hair, fashion, hair, life everything. I am really trying to build my other blog as well. All about relationship and some fashion but am focusing more on relationship on that site

I hope that you are lovin' the videos. I am trying to make them viewer friendly with the ideas that you all are sending to me and of course a few of my own. I try to answer all questions sent to my email or comments left.

Well, first I wanted to share with you guys something I came across posted on one of my favs sites I must admit I was deeply touched watching this.This documentary is going to be a great one when it comes out

Have any of you ever struggle with low self-esteem because of skin colour??

Dark Girls: Preview from Bradinn French on Vimeo.

 Please feel free to share your comments, ideas, feedback.

ms. hood

1 comment:

  1. This video was thought-provoking and extremely sad. I do understand that there is a significant separation among our ppl due to skin color. How do we overcome this epidemic?


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