Thursday, May 22, 2014

My 3 year Natural hair journey

Here is an update on my journey, it has been an interesting year for me and my hair. I cut alot of hair off if you look back my two year you can tell. However it was required and I am glad I did. My goal in 2014 is to grow back that length and more. I have implemented a regimen that is very consistent and strick

My 2014 Hair regimen:

*Regularly deep conditioning once a week
*Protein treatments every 3 weeks
*Spritz scalp with water every night
*Deep scalp massages and I also pray over my hair
*I also do the LOC method to prevent dry ends and brittle hair
*Protective styling
*No more heat applied to my hair this year
*Healthy eating and workout
*Trimming my ends
Applying heat to my deep conditioning treatments using a heating cap
*Greenhouse method. Please click here For information on this method

Thats all folks


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