Thursday, November 27, 2014

How to Grow 4c Natural Hair

Welcome back to my blog!

This week has been especially busy for me with so much going on, I was not able to do my much needed research for my articles until last night. 

Now on to the article.....

Tips to grow long 4c hair Naturally

  • Love and accept your hair texture this I believe is the first step.
  • Deep condition your hair either every week or every two weeks.(keep your deep conditioner on for a while, for deep penetration, hence deep conditioning.
  • Find a routine that works best for you (when I first went natural I choose a day dedicate to my hair, over time this routine got easy for me.)
  • Keep it simple (my biggest mistake was having a long routine/regimen for my hair that took me hours, I watched many you-tubers and thought this was normal when I first went natural. Today I keep it very very simple with easy styling. 
  • Protective styling for 4c hair is king because our texture is very kinky, it also is very easy to form knots, break and prevents our natural hair oil (sebum to travel to the ends of our hair) after washing and condition try twists or braids, this will give your hair the rest it needs to grow, retain its length and moisture.
  • Protective styling allows your hair to grow fuller and maintain it’s thickness.
  • The best way to wash 4c hair is in sections, this eliminates tangles and cuts down the detangling process time.
  • It is given by now how important detangling is for natural hair but especially for 4c hair, detangling is king!
  • Moisturized your hair when it is wet and with water, this allows the moisturizer used to absord into your hair.
  • show your hair lots of love.
  • Try to keep your hair stretch to prevent knots.
  • Finger detangle your hair-I no longer use combs in my hair often. I know I know what your thinking but this is a much easier process for me and I notice my hair would snap when using combs or brushes. I notice my hair is growing fuller at my ends
  •  Healthy lifestyle yes it matters and I for one have notice with a failing diet and stress your hair will feel it.
  •  Drink lots of water.
  • Patience, it will take a lot of trail and error to find out what works best for your hair.
  • Keep trying, learn, read books, watch videos, ask questions, there are lots of information out there available to help with your Journey, 

I hope these tips were helpful and you can implement them into your hair journey. Remember to always have fun with your hair journey, be loving and patient with your hair. These tips can be used or alter to suit your needs and yes, for any hair type!!

Stay Beautiful

Thank you for coming back once again. 

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